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Updated: 2023-11-11

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2022 - Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The day doesn't start that great. In the newsletters about Thailand that we receive in the mail every day we read that the Test & Go scheme of Thailand has been suspended from today, at least until 4 January. This is the scheme where visitors only needs to stay in a hotel until the result of a corona test has arrived. We would make use of the scheme.
The Sandbox scheme will also be canceled, this scheme means a few days in quarantine.
What remains is a 10-day quarantine in a hotel that has been approved by the Thai government.

In some articles it is also written that three corona vaccinations may be mandatory.
That will be no problem for us. Tom has already received a third vaccination, Pia receives het third vaccination on December, 26. This has been the reason for us that we have not yet applied for the Thailand Pass for the Test & Go scheme. A pity, afterwards, it had been better to apply for the Thailand Pass earlier.

In yet other articles, it is also mentioned that Thailand will review the list of safe countries, including the Netherlands. The Netherlands may then no longer be stated on that list, it would not surprise us.

We can do little else but waiting until there will be more news in early January.

Written on: 2021-12-22


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